
It has to get better

You know that feeling you get when you think you're making progress, and then you find out that no, in fact, you're actually just digging a deep, deep hole that you may never get out of?

That's how I've been feeling for the majority of this week. I thought I was going to be able to start listing my finished product on Etsy this week, but no. No, I have to get working on my business license application for the city before I get nailed with a massive fine. I'm kind of okay with this because it gives me a bit more time to finish up my work, perhaps even throw together a few more things, and get properly organized. On the other hand, grrr... we're a one-income household right now and the sooner I put stuff out there to sell, *hopefully* the sooner I can bring in some extra money.

We're (Keith and I) are trying to see this little/somewhat big setback as a positive. Extra time means better product. Or, at least, I hope so.

On a much happier, organized note, I've been a fairly faithful and regular visitor to craftgawker for the last few months. I like ending my day on the computer with their daily updates, seeing if anything can inspire me to create. I especially love to see the photos people have submitted; as an amatuer photographer who is still learning how to use her camera, I like looking at photos that not only inspire me, but also make me happy, for lack of a better term. Maybe not happy in the traditional sense, but a kind of glowy. Yeah, that doesn't really make sense, but you get what I mean.

I'm going to try to take advantage of some of my newly found free time this week and try to set up some kind of easy-to-follow schedule for what I'm trying to do. I know with a 13.5 month old schedules are pretty risky, but I've got a pretty helpful partner in Keith and he wants me to succeed (and be happy) so maybe I will be able to set aside some time every week to filter through overflowing folders and scattered scraps of paper and fabric.

Or not. We'll see.

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